Louisiana Academy of Sleep Medicine
LASM Board of Directors
2024 3rd quarter BOD meeting 
will be on September 18, 2024 at 5 pm on Zoom

If you would like to attend, please email us at LA.AcademySleepMed@gmail.com for more information.
President - Fr. Wade S. J. Young, LRPSGT, RST (2023-2024)

Past - President - Vacant

President Elect - James Connolly, MD (2024)

Secretary - Colton Wiggins, LRPSGT (2023-2024)
(up for re-election)

Treasurer - Lori Speyrer, BS (2022-2024)
(up for re-election)

Director at Large A1 - K. McLaughlin, MD (2022-2024)
(up for re-election)

Director at Large B1 - Joshua Johnson, LRPSGT (2022-2024)
(up for re-election)

Director at Large A2 - Supat Thammasitboon, MD (2022-2024)
(up for re-election)

Director at Large C1 - Rachel Besson, LRPSGT (2023-2025)

Director at Large D1 - Lea Desmarteau (2023-2025)
Committee Chairpersons & Members

Join a Committee.
  It's a great way to work up to being a 
Board Member

New Committee Members to be appointed
after the 2021 Meeting
{Elections/Nominations Committee} elections@lasmnet.org
Sean Thompson (Chairperson)

{Judicial Committee} 
{Education/Planning Committee} 
{Publications Committee} 
{Membership Committee}